Baby's Third Month (Extra Photos Included)

It seems every month only goes by faster than the last... this has been a good one, though, as nursing is becoming somewhat easier, and we've fell into a bit more of a flow. Baby still seems to think that nursing for a whole half hour to an hour on each side is the best thing, and I still hurt sometimes, but her latch is getting better, and I no longer want to cry every time I feed her. For a while, that was definitely the case. Tears were a normal part of nursing. I don't think I said much about nursing in my previous posts, but it is certainly not what I thought it would be. Before our little one was born, I pictured nursing my baby as this beautiful bonding experience, and I was excited. Now, however, I have learned so much, yet still struggle. In the beginning, I thought that as long as she was latched, we were good to go. Not the case... Nursing is hard work! Still, it is worth it 100%, and even though ...