9 Reasons Why Everyone Should Be Doing Martial Arts

     Martial Arts is something that has been a part of my life ever since I can remember.  My base and rank are both in Tae Kwon Do, but I have very much enjoyed learning and practicing other arts as well.  I can not fully explain everything I gotten out of doing martial arts, but I would like to share a few.  I know of a surety that I would not be the same person as I am today if I had chosen to go down a different path.

1.) Self-Defense

Not to state the obvious or anything, but this is definitely a plus!  I think it is important not to get too cocky when it comes all the skills one learns doing martial arts, but I know that I feel a whole lot safer knowing that I can at least hold my own if a bad situation arose.  I love knowing that I stand a good chance when it comes to keeping myself and those around me safe, and I know that as a mother one day, I will feel a whole lot better knowing my kids would know what to do in a sticky situation.  As much as I want to, I won't always be able to be there every second of every day watching over them, so, I'd say that self-defense is near the top of my list of what I want to teach my children someday.

2.) Life Skills
The Life Skills are some of my very favorite things to teach in Tae Kwon Do.  I taught for a few years at a great studio in Idaho (Treasure Valley Tae Kwon Do) where we often told the children, even if they did not choose to continue with martial arts, years down the road when they may have forgotten how to do the perfect round kick, or jump side kick, or whatever else, the life skills are something that will always stick with them.  Things like respect, integrity, and loyalty are a very important part of the martial arts community. With so many outside influences, joining a good martial arts studio is a great way to back a parents teaching. I don't know many people who would not want their child to learn discipline, respect, leadership, and perseverance.  These life skills have greatly helped me in my own life, and I am grateful for them.

3.) Self Confidence and Self Respect
Martial arts promotes confidence in many ways.  For one, martial arts is a very physical activity, and of course, as we are more physically active, the healthier we get, and the better we feel.  Another aspect is this, one can not fully learn on their own.  Learning martial arts is group effort between oneself, teacher(s), and fellow students.  One way to build confidence is by being a part of a community.  Every worthwhile studio I have ever step foot in has all told me the same thing.  They are not just a studio, or a school for self-defense, but rather a family, which brings me to my next point.

4.) Support System
Even after living in Utah for over a year, I still talk to many people from my Tae Kwon Do family in Idaho. I consider every one of my prior students family, and I love hearing about their lives and their progression both in and out of the studio. Becoming part of a martial arts family is a great way to acquire the best kind of support system.  Who wouldn't want a dozen or more black belts supporting them in their time of need? Almost all of my very best friends I have met in one studio or another.

5.) Prevent Bullying
With more confidence comes bully prevention, but with martial arts it is more than just that.  Most family martial arts centers will take at least a short amount of time to focus on teaching about bullying.  Many places will actually run full bully prevention classes and camps.  A martial arts class is a great place to learn not only strength, and confidence, but also humility as well, all of which go well with anti-bullying. Many martial arts also teach good communication skills, especially when it comes to talking to a bully and avoiding a potentially dangerous situation, or talking to parent or other trusted adult about the situation.  It is important to know to that most martial arts schools do not promote violence, but rather give a knowledge of what to do in those scary situations.

6.) Learn to Take a Hit
This does not only apply to getting hit physically.  Sure, it's a good a thing to learn, just in case a bad situation ever arose.  One thing is for sure, I would rather learn to take a physical hit in a studio, in a controlled environment among friends, than take my first out on the streets, with little to no help.  Still, those are not the only hits one will ever take.  It is important to learn to "roll with the punches" so to speak, take what life give you, and learn from it, grow stronger, get better, and a good martial arts studio is a great place to do just that.

7.) Physical Fitness
This is one of my favorite benefits.  I am not one who enjoys working out.  I don't like running, I don't like going to the gym and I really don't like lifting weights, and I get bored easily with classes like Zumba, or yoga of whatever type.  Lately I have been trying to do a lot of these anyways as I search for a new place to train, but it hasn't always been that way.  I love doing martial arts.  I love that I go and I get to work out whether it be by sparring, or warming up, or doing an actual planned work out, yet I just feel like I'm playing, and having fun. I don't have to go out of my way to become fit, I just get to do what I love.  I know it is this way for many others, and whether or not the fitness is the part you enjoy, it is definitely a benefit to taking a class.

8.) For a Positive Role Model
Role models are important.  In at least one moment in everyone's life, they're needed.  We all need someone to look up to, to aspire to be like, to help us set goals and become better.  Unfortunately, some of us may find some less than ideal role models.  I was lucky enough growing to find many role models, each of them a positive one.  I attribute this to my experience in martial arts for two reasons.  Reason one, the life skills I have learned along that journey.  As I learned positive life skills, I looked for people who lived up to those things, and I began to admire them.  They were good, strong people.  Reason number two, I was surrounded by other people who had learned the same life skills, so it was almost inevitable that one of these people would become a role model of mine, which was great, because they held the same values as I was being raised to believe in.

9.) Family Activity

My Cute Brother Excited About His Orange
After I got my fourth degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, my grandma Robin looked at me and said, "I should be taking classes!  Of all the classes I sat and watched as you grew up, I could be a fourth degree myself by now!" Or something along those those lines.  It's true though, my grandma has been one of my biggest supporters since the very beginning.  If it were not for her I never would have gotten as far as I have. If I am going to be completely honest, I would not have even started if it weren't for her.  Since then, my dad joined classes, one of my friends from high school joined classes, and my little brother joined as well.  It was so fun being in classes, and teaching classes to my family members.  It was a great way to spend time with them individually, especially when life got busy.  I have seen many families participate in classes together since then, and they are some of the happiest families I have seen.  Whether it be through martial arts, or other means, not many can argue with the value of quality time, and in my experience, martial arts has been a great way to get just that.

     The benefits of practicing martial goes beyond just these nine things.  It teaches healing, friendship, fitness, and so much more.  I am beyond grateful for the opportunities I have had in both learning and teaching martial arts.  I have learned so much from both, and I wouldn't trade a single second of it for the world. But don't take my word for it!  Try it for yourself, and feel free to comment any other benefits you might find!

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