Thanksgiving 2017

     This Thanksgiving has been the best Thanksgiving in a long time, if not ever.  My husband and I were lucky enough to have recently purchased a new residence, which gives us the ability to invite others into our home.  Because of this, my family was able to come visit from Montana for the whole week! On top of that, my uncle, who now lives in South Jordan, Utah, was able to come for a couple days, and my Grandma on my mom's side was able to come over from Idaho and stay for a couple days, too.  We had quite the full house, but it was well worth every second of it.

        The week started with Lance and I driving up to Gardner Village in South Jordan for a horseback ride with my uncle.  He works at the animal rescue there, and invited us to come on a ride.  It was great to get on the back of a horse again, as I have only done so once or twice in earlier visits to Idaho since moving to Utah.  I loved every second of it, and can't wait to go again!
     My family came into town that evening.  I can't say we did anything too crazy that day, but it was so good to see my siblings and parents again! I was definitely not ready to see them leave a week later.
     We did a lot of shopping throughout the week, whether that had been for Black Friday, for Christmas, Thanksgiving Dinner, or small trips for things like batteries for our new Catch Phrase game. 
     Monday, my parents went on a date while Lance and I took the kiddos ice skating at the Seven Peaks Arena.  Despite some really sore feet after, I think everyone had fun.  Robert had to be the cutest.  He had only been skating once before, when he was really little, so it was quite the experience.  I imagine the hot chocolate made it all worth it in the end. 

     Picking out a real tree had to have been my favorite part of the whole week.  Lance and I did not put up a tree last year, as the time kind of got away from us, and we didn't really have a place for one anyways. We spent Christmas with his family, so we weren't even home that day.  Still, the tree is a big part of the holiday fun! The tree turned out beautifully. 
     Thanksgiving day came next, and I was very grateful to my husband for making the turkey, my dad for putting together his famous veggie tray, and my mom and grandma for helping with literally everything else. Everyone seemed to enjoy everything that was on the table, (except Lance because he doesn't like sweet potatoes), which was really nice because it was all dairy free.  We had turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, berry pie, two different kinds of cheese cake, jello pudding, stuffing, rolls, and I very well may be leaving something out.  As much as it may be nice at times to go elsewhere for Thanksgiving, and let someone else worry about the cooking, it was such a relief to be able to eat everything on the table, and not have to worry about dairy allergies.  Everything on the table was free game, even for Lance, and that was just wonderful. 
     That morning, my family got to participate in Lance's family's annual Turkey Shoot.  I don't know that one can technically call it a "Turkey" Shoot, but we had a lot of fun.  I was grateful for the extra warmth, as it is usually freezing each Thanksgiving morning. 
     Friday, Lance and I surprised my family with a mini Christmas.  We will likely be spending Christmas with his side of the family, and so Christmas will be missed on my side.  I was grateful for the opportunity to have everyone together in person, wake up to presents under the tree. 
     Friday was the last day, and I was pretty sad to see everyone leave early Saturday morning, but it was so great to have had everyone in our home.  The last thing on our list were the lights at Temple Square.  Opening night is quite
the busy one, and that was a bit stressful, especially for the parts of my family that are used to small town no traffic, but I think it was well worth it.  Believe it or not, my dad had never been! There are some things I have definitely taken for granted living here in Utah. 
     There were other things we did as well, like driving through the Spanish Fork Lights Festival three times in a row, and introducing my lactose intolerant dad to dairy free ice cream.  I wish my family could have stayed in town much longer, but having the whole week was a blessing all in itself.  
     I can't wait for Easter/My Birthday/General Conference (all on the same day) when my family will all be here again! Seems I'll be learning a little more patience in the months to come. 

*Feel free to comment some of your own Thanksgiving traditions and experiences below.  More ideas for fun with the family are always welcome!

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