What it Feels Like Being 7 1/2 Weeks Pregnant

     So... remember my last post, when I said I hoped I didn't start losing my guts? Well, I lost my guts. In the bathroom, in the car, on the lawn on the way into the house... not exactly the most ideal symptom of pregnancy, but if it means my baby is healthy, I'll take it. I've heard, and read, on many occasions that morning sickness is a good sign.

     When I first became pregnant and started to notice the symptoms, I would tease my husband saying, "When this baby comes, she is so grounded!" Why? Because not being able to eat anything, yet feeling like you are starving all the time, and the only way to not throw up is eat, which is really hard to do because nothing sounds good, and everything triggers your gag reflexes, and so on, is not fun.  There is no way around that one. It sucks. And the worst part is, it's not the flu, so it's not going away within the next 24-48 hours, and you still have to go to work, because again, it's not going away any time soon.  It's easy to feel sour.

     I teased about this to my aunt, and she brought up a really good point. That baby inside me, it's not his/her fault.  That baby deserves more than complaining, and mean jokes, and so on.  That baby deserves excitement, because seven or so months from now, he/she will be making her way into this world, and that baby deserves nothing less than 100% love from each parent.  I took that to heart and shut my mouth, and now every time I feel like I'm about to lose my guts, I remember: this is good.  My baby is healthy. This too shall pass, and soon we will have the most wonderful addition to our family.

     At seven and a half weeks, some of that morning sickness is starting to go away. I still feel nauseous pretty much all the time, but I don't throw up as often, and I am starting to find more and more I can eat and keep down.  I haven't gained any weight, in fact, I have actually lost a couple pounds, but I'm not worried.  I have heard that's very normal. Plus, my cravings seem to be anything fresh and fruity, apple sauce, bananas, smoothies, anything cool and yummy.  I don't like a lot of bread, or crackers, or anything carby, the only exception being pizza for some reason, but I can't eat that anyways. (We are dairy free, and yes, I make sure to get the needed nutrients in other ways). I only seem to have one real aversion. Nuts. Pistachios especially.  Just the thought makes me want to... okay, moving on. Can't.

     At this point in time, our baby is supposedly about the size of a playing die, and Lance and I are getting more and more excited for our first appointment coming up here on January 5th.  Of course, this post wont be up until shortly after, as that is about the time we will be making the actual announcement, but still.

     It's funny; the idea that I am actually pregnant is something that has definitely set in.  It doesn't surprise me to think about anymore, but thinking about an actual baby growing in my tummy is a whole other story.  It's crazy to think that, technically now, but more so seven or so months from now, I will be a mom. I am both nervous and excited for the years and months to come. I am grateful to have a husband who has not at any time lost patience with me in my struggles, and is always finding new ways to show me he loves me. He is always there for me when I need him, and makes me feel beautiful even when bent over the side walk, puking into the grass. I can already see that he will be the most amazing father to our children.

     I am excited to share more stories as they come, and if anyone wants to share any of their stories, how they felt this far along, or any tips and tricks for morning sickness and otherwise, I am all ears (eyes) in the comments below!  Thank you for reading and being a part of my pregnancy journey. You are all wonderful.

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