Holy Crap We're Pregnant!

     That's right, holy crap! Yes, we have been planning this, and praying that we might be able to invite our little one into the world soon, but... holy crap!  There is a lot that comes with pregnancy, and this being my very first, I am a bit nervous! Think about it, about seven or eight months from the time I am starting this post, I am going be giving birth... giving birth! Anybody have a magic wand? I am already ready to skip that step... Still though, we are having a baby, and both Lance and I are oh so very excited! Our family is about to get one sweet little baby bigger!

     If I am to be honest, I am slightly annoyed at myself for my lack of patience... I had this plan on how I was going to tell my husband, and I was so excited. It was a really cute idea! That plan was this:

1.) Take pregnancy test.

2.) Schedule family pictures.

3.) Have a chalk board sign that says something along the lines of: We're Pregnant!!!

4.) Take a picture, turn around and show Lance the sign.

5.) Snap pictures like crazy of his reaction.

     Did that happen? Uhm, no.  Instead, I sat in the bathroom for a good ten minutes trying to figure out what to do... Despite the previous signs, I had somewhat expected the test to be negative, but no, I'm Pregnant. It didn't seem real, but I was so excited I just couldn't help it!

     After that time I gave in. I was too excited to not say anything, and I had to admit that either way, my husband would be finding out that day (I can't seem to keep many secrets from him... makes Christmas' and birthdays a bit difficult). I sneaked out of the bathroom and to Lance's side of the bed.

     "Sweetie, wake up! Sweetie, I peed on the stick!" Lance is not an easy person to wake up, so I was actually pretty impressed when I got the, "huh?" "Sweetie, I'm pregnant! Look!!"

     Poor guy was in such a deep sleep that it took a minute to get a real reaction, but finally he gave me a big hug and wouldn't let go.  Uncomfortable, but happy and loved.

     Things are making a whole lot more sense now, though.  My stomach has been cramping for a week and a half now, with no period.  Makes sense why I have been so tired some days, too, with no real reason, not to mention being hungry even though I know in my head that I have eaten plenty. Fingers crossed I don't get morning sickness in the next couple weeks.

     Lance and I are both pretty excited.  By the time I am ready to publish this post (likely after our first doctor's visit), we will have pregnancy announcement pictures done, so keep an eye out for those!

     Also, if anyone has any advice, tips, tricks, or experiences they would like to share, please comment below.  I've never done this before, so please comment away!

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