What it Feels like Being 12 Weeks Pregnant

     One more week and we are in the second trimester!!! Woot woot!! How exciting is that!?

     Over the last few weeks it seems like so much, yet so little, has happened. My morning sickness seemed to get a lot better, then a lot worse, and now a lot better again. I am hoping that since we are very near the second trimester, the good pattern will continue.

     I have also discovered my cravings, and the aversions are still strong as ever when it comes to anything pistachio... On the plus side, I can now handle peanut butter well enough to make my husband a sandwich, and by starting off with dipped Oreos, I have finally been able to reintroduce almond milk into my diet. Cravings seem to be anything dairy, funny enough. I have not been a fan of regular milk for a long time, even before knowing I would ever become completely dairy free, yet sometimes all I want is a large glass of cold milk!

     My attitude toward this pregnancy has definitely changed in many ways as well. The excitement of it all is no different, and my love for this baby only grows with each passing day. The change is coming in the way that I am seeing the many not so fun symptoms of pregnancy. I won't ever say the sickness, unfortunate sense of smell, fatigue, body changes, appetite fluctuations, etc. don't suck, because they do, but I am also realizing just how good I have it.

    Yes, I threw up. A lot. I was, and still am, tired all. the time. But, even with that, and the many other not so fun things that have come with being pregnant, I have been oh so very blessed. I can still work. I have been able to go be around people, friends and family, even if for short periods of time because I am tired, or sick. We have not run into any serious complications with this pregnancy so far. The baby is healthy, and growing, and strong. Despite the not so fun stuff, I really have been blessed with a good pregnancy.

     With that said, the last thing I have to share is this: I am finally showing! It's a bit harder to tell in the above picture, as I have my hands around my belly, but I love that I finally have this cute little baby bump that I can put my arms around! I have seen my belly growing over the last few weeks, despite the lack of weight gain, but I am proud to say that growing tummy is finally getting round and pregnant like!

     I am so excited for the weeks to come! Keep an eye out for future updates, and please don't hesitate to share your own stories!

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