What it Feels Like Being 5 1/2 Weeks Pregnant

      Everywhere I read about pregnancy, I am told something different, but one thing always tends to be the same.  Every woman is different, and every pregnancy is different.  I had to laugh, because when I found out I was pregnant, I had not experienced any sort of morning sickness.  No nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, nothing.  I read somewhere, however, that a lot of those types of symptoms start at about six weeks.  I didn't think there was any way I was that far along, so I thought, 'great! at least I have another week!' Boy, could I have been any more wrong.

     Let me tell you, it is NOT fun feeling like you're on the verge of having the flu constantly. It doesn't go away! At least not often. Everybody talks about getting super hungry, and wanting to eat everything in sight, but me? Definitely haven't gotten to that point, because it is a struggle getting enough food in my belly.  Most of the time, the only reason I am able to get anything down is because I keep telling myself the baby needs it. It's not like the flu where I can just not eat for a while, and wait until I feel better.  The feel better part doesn't come.  Serious bloating doesn't help, either.  It's really hard to want to eat, when every time I finally do get something in my tummy, I feel like my stomach is going to explode due to major air bubbles. Fun.

     I can't complain too much, however, because I haven't actually thrown up yet. I just feel like I'm going to 24/7. I hope I never do, but that hope didn't get me very far the last time...

     The other big thing I have noticed is the major fatigue.  Twice this week, have I come home, swallowed a couple crackers (yuck) and fell asleep, waking up only long enough to walk from the couch to the bed, and then not again until morning. Who knew pregnancy could be so tiring!? This little baby is only the size of a peppercorn, and it's already tiring me out!

     Still, so far at least, I feel like every bit of it will be worth it.  I love waking up each morning, opening my Ovia Pregnancy App, and seeing exactly what is happening with my baby each day. I can see how big my baby is this week, how big he or she will be next week, and what exactly is developing in his or her tiny little body right now.

     I woke up yesterday to find our little peppercorn is developing her ears, her tail (spinal chord. Obviously the whole tail part will eventually disappear), and little arm buds, which will soon be full arms, hands, and cute little baby fingers. I love watching our baby develop, and I can hardly wait for our first doctor's visit, when we can see our little one for real, and hopefully hear her little heartbeat!

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