Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy: Fresh Squeezed Lemonade!

   Okay, who doesn't love some good old fashioned lemonade!? If you don't, that's okay, but I think it is fantastic, and I thought it would be a fun recipe to share. 
     The recipe was not hard at all. I found a recipe online, and then changed it from there so it would better fit our taste.  I have always loved lemonade, so in making my own at home, I knew exactly what it was I was looking. Little did I know it would be so simple!


     So, what do we need for our own old fashioned lemonade??

  •      Lemon (We used 6, but the exact number of lemons needed may change depending on how much juice is in each one. We got about a cup of lemon juice.
  • 1 c Sugar
  • 6 c cold water

          Directions: Squeeze your lemons for their juice, and mix everything together! Done!  
      If you like your lemonade a little less sweet, don't add as much sugar, if you like it sweeter, add more.  Lance and I found that for us, and 1:1 cup ratio in six cups of cold water was perfect.

     Notes: if you don't like it when the sugar sinks to the bottom, dissolve your sugar in one cup of water on the stove. Let it cool, then mix it in with everything else. The taste will stay the same.

     Added Bonus: I think Lance liked it! And it's really good it chilled glasses

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