What it Feels like Being 15 Weeks Pregnant

     Our baby is now about the size of a box of crayons!! (Or so says my Ovia Pregnancy App). Things are really moving along for this little one, and boy is he or she a mover! At our first ultrasound, it looked like our sweet baby was having a party in there, and then at our last appointment a few days ago, the doctor agreed that he/she was quite the little mover as he was trying to find the heart beat. (153 by the way!) Our baby is healthy and growing!

     So what's happening this week! Well, I think the morning sickness has gone away? I say that I think the morning sickness has gone away, because every time I think that's the case, it comes back with a vengeance. How fun, right? The answer, I would say, is actually yes.

     At our doctors appointment we were told that no bleeding, doubled with plenty of morning sickness, is a great sign that the baby is healthy and growing.  Morning sickness simply means that my body is still producing more hormones, as it should be. Thank goodness, means I'm not dying!

     A couple weeks ago we had quite the morning sickness experience.  Even without the nausea, I still sometimes find it difficult to eat enough, and enough of the right things. I do my best, and I make sure my baby is fed, but it can be difficult at times. (I am told that will change as soon as all sickness goes away, and I'll have the exact opposite problem, so we will see!) I made this really yummy salsa chicken and black bean burrito filling in the crock pot the night before, and there were plenty of leftovers. I was so excited when lunch finally came at work, because I was actually hungry, and my lunch actually sounded really good! I took the opportunity and went with it. Good idea? No. Bad idea.

     That was the first time I actually got sick at work. Not fun. Even worse, I found out that my co workers could actually hear me from outside the bathroom... ugh. So I did as I usually do. I finished in the bathroom, washed my hands, and went back to work. I started feeling better within a short amount of time, so I wasn't stressed. Until this:

     That's with makeup on! I jumped in the car after work, not noticing anything when my husband looked at me, "Are you okay!?"

     "Uh, yeah, why?"


     I was shocked! Neither of us could figure out what on earth I would have gotten into to cause a reaction like that. It wasn't itchy, and I couldn't feel a thing. There were no bumps; my skin was completely smooth. Being pregnant, we decided not take any risks and headed to the Urgent Care near home.  I won't ever forget the doctors words after he had asked his questions and examined my face and neck thoroughly.

     "The only time I have ever seen that kind of rash was on a strangle patient!"

     In short, obviously I was not strangled. Basically, I had gotten so sick at lunch time that my whole face became bloodshot.  I didn't have a rash, just little tiny blood marks.  The joke I make now is that I better not get too sick, or I'll be heading to work all polka-dotted again.

     That said, I am starting to feel a lot better, and am getting a lot of energy back again, too, enough so that Lance and I were able to go on a little walk/hike this past weekend in the warmer weather. Some other good news: I felt the baby move!  More on that later, but in short, I didn't feel a whole lot, and I never feel anything during the day. I'm not far enough along to be able to feel much without holding terribly still, but last night, every time I woke up to roll over, it was like the baby was rolling over, too. What a neat experience, and how fun to finally feel some sort of movement!

     Now that I have shared one of my own pregnancy stories, I would love to hear yours, too! Please feel free to comment below. It really is good to hear from other mothers and mommies-to-be!

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