Best of Utah: Clark Planetarium

     Going to the Clark Planetarium was definitely a good idea!  One thing I would like to mention right away, is that the majority of it was FREE. Yes, FREE. Lance and I walked in expecting to have to use that wonderful Connect Pass we purchased last summer just to get in, and then found out all of the exhibits were completely free of charge.  The connect pass was good for one admission to the IMAX theater, and one admission to the Dome Theater. We did use our passes for both of those, which was pretty neat, but even without the theaters, it would have been well worth the trip to Salt Lake. 

     According to their website (, the Clark Planetarium's mission is: "to create and present enlightening experiences that inspire wonder in learning about space and science and to promote greater public awareness of the science in our daily lives."

     Seems to me they are doing an amazing job at this. It was interesting to see the many different age groups visiting the Clark Planetarium.  There were moms with tiny kids, groups of teenage boys, families with all different ages, and even an elderly couple exploring each of the exhibits. 

     There was a lot to explore, 
including some really big, really small, and really heavy rocks (mostly 
meteorites). This one weighs 1,733 pounds, and is approximately 4.6 billions years old!

     Some other neat aspects included the many interactive displays. They ranged from touch displays such as this, to video games, to learning how to guide the little rovers through thick sand like we would on other planets. 


     This fun display actually filled more than one floor. Lance and I came back to this one a few times before we finally got the check it out; there were always kids there, often times the same one every time we walked past. Of course we let them go first, but it was pretty great once we got to see it up close for ourselves.
     There was way too much there to have a picture for every exhibit, but suffice it to say, we will definitely be taking our little ones when they are old enough to enjoy it. Even so, it was great for just Lance and myself. I can never complain when I get to go on a fun date with my husband. 

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