What it Feels Like Being 21 Weeks Pregnant

   I am going to start this post off by saying, WE ARE HAVING A GIRL!!! And we are so excited!  Lance's family is pretty much all boys, so the going thing right now is that we have finally broken the curse by having a girl. Not that boys are a curse, we love each and every one of them, but I am excited for shiny bows and sparkly things!
     I am also proud to announce that this whole morning sickness thing has finally gone away. I still can't eat pistachios, but I can at least say, or think, the word without wanting to vomit. I have also discovered a new aversion of mine: beef sticks, like those ones you get at the gas station, or in our case, Costco.  I was so excited, because I love them, and Lance got us a few on our last Costco order. Instead of being able to take a big yummy bite out of one, however, I didn't even make it from the pantry to the lunch bag I was packing that morning... Oh well, I'm just happy that's the only time I have even come close to losing my guts recently. 
     The best part about 21 weeks is the little baby kicks.  I no longer wonder whether my stomach is bubbling or my baby is kicking; I just know when the baby is kicking, and I absolutely love it. It is so neat to know and see that there is actually a baby in there, and I'm not getting rounder for no reason. Speaking of round, there's also finally something to show!
     This is nineteen weeks, and look! A bump that does not look like I ate too many Jimmy John's sandwiches! (I craved those for a while...). Not going to lie, this picture makes me happy. I have had Lance take a picture of me in the same spot at every week mark since we found out we were pregnant, and somehow... they just aren't that exciting. There's just something about a tummy selfie in the mirror, because I like this one.
     That said, there isn't much else exciting going on. The fatigue has lessened a lot, and sleeping hasn't been too difficult since I was told to not only put something between my knees, but also my ankles, for better hip support. Good bye hip pain! The baby is healthy and strong, and we love her already. 
     If you have any stories about your own pregnancy  you would like to share, please feel free to comment below!

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