Best of Utah: Tracy Aviary

     My husband and I went on another super fun adventure this weekend. The weather was perfect, not too hot, and not too cold, so we hopped in the car and headed to Salt Lake. Another fun stop included in our Connect Pass was the Tracy Aviary, and I am so glad it was! As it turns out, the Tracy Aviary is one of the largest and oldest of only two free-standing aviaries in the U.S! ( They have now been around for about 80, and it really shows! I can't wait to go again. 
     Upon walking in, the first thing we see is this huge bird, with its wings stretched open wide, and he's just starting at us! I overheard one of the workers there telling another group that that was a normal thing for him, and after seeing the other smaller condors later on, I kind of wonder if it's specific trait to that family of birds. Next time we go, I might have to ask. 
     Something I thought was pretty neat, was how many birds were just allowed to wander. There were multiple peacocks wandering throughout the park, along with ducks, swans, pelicans, and many others.  The peacocks and ducks roamed the various sidewalks and pathways, while the pelicans, swans, and other ducks enjoyed large streams and ponds in various locations.  It was neat to see how all the different birds just go along with each other living in such close quarters. Many of them could have easily left for another home if they had really wanted to. 
     My favorite were the flamingos. I keep trying to remember for sure, but I don't know that I have ever actually seen a flamingo before, other than on the Discovery Channel of course. There were even a couple of younger ones that hadn't quite turned pink yet. Oh, and turns out flamingos do not always stand on one foot.
     We took so many pictures, it takes a while just to scroll through them all. The video to the left is just a few of them, and I hope it will get more people excited to visit the Tracy Aviary.

     The following is a link to the Aviary's website.  I highly encourage anyone reading this post to visit their site.  They have a lot more information than I can provide, and also host all sorts of fun events daily. Next time we go, we may have to attend a couple! 



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