What if Feels Like Being 30 Weeks Pregnant

     Being this close to welcoming our little one into the world is a bit nerve wracking, but also so fun at the same time. Our little girl is gaining quite the personality! What I think is amazing, is how even before she has fully come into the world, she has a spirit of her own. She is surely her own being.
     She is very funny in that she will kick and squirm and punch and wiggle all day long for two to three days, and then the next two to three days I hardly feel a thing. We go through this pattern where mom (myself) starts to worry, and then all of a sudden baby is going crazy again.
     Baby is very shy, yet also very strong willed already.  She enjoys kicking and squirming, but the minute mom or dad puts any pressure on her to feel a kick, she hides. My stomach will go from rock solid because she's right in the front kicking around, to soft and bit squishy because she has sunk back into my spine and hips. Yet, if I lean against the counter, sit to close to Lance, or wear tight pants, she will kick that spot hard until I relieve the pressure.
     I love every one of her little baby kicks. It makes me happy to know she is doing so well. It is comforting, because I know that if there is a kick, then she is at least somewhat okay, and there's always another doctor's appointment right around the corner anyways.
     My symptoms recently include having a really hard time eating... yet really not. I can not eat a full meal for the life of me without feeling absolutely terrible after. I feel STUFFED, and bloated, and huge, and uncomfortable. It's like that feeling after going to a really nice buffet and eating way more than you really should, yet all I ate was a sandwich and some fruit... That said, I am hungry all. the time. And because I can't fit much in my stomach, I get hungry that much faster. I am learning that I just need to snack, and snack small, all day long. That way I get enough food without feeling like my stomach is going to explode.
     Other symptoms include some serious heartburn. Heartburn has never been a big issue for me, even when eating really spicy or acidic foods, yet now I seem to get heartburn no matter how much of whatever food I choose to eat.
     For some good news, I do not have gestational diabetes! Tests came back completely normal, and I don't have to go back for another test! That was quite the relief, seeing as my family has a history of GD... My iron levels are good, blood pressure is good, and my weight is right on track. The doctor did tell me I need to lie down more often on my left side to help with some recent ankle swelling... yay... I avoided it this long, maybe it won't get too bad!
     The best part about this time is that Lance can finally feel the baby kick more than just a lucky kick here and there. We just sat one morning about a week and half ago and felt the baby squirm and kick for a good five minutes or so at least. Moments like that are coming more often, and I absolutely love it.
     I am beginning to get tired a lot easier at this point, as can be expected. Putting on my shoes, or doing anything that requires bending over, is proving to be more and more difficult, as my lung capacity is not at its greatest. I used to enjoy long walks on my lunch break at work, but even that causes enough discomfort, that I'm just about ready to quit that one all together. Luckily, the elliptical machine and the pool seem to work just fine, so I can still get some exercise in, right before going inside to lay on my left side... ha.
     Ten more weeks, and this little cantaloupe is coming out! Wish me luck, and feel free to share some of your own pregnancy and birth stories!

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