What if Feels Like Being 35 Weeks Pregnant

     What it feels like being 35 weeks pregnant... to be honest, all over the place. I am so excited to meet our little girl, and knowing that moment is just around the corner is beyond exciting, yet at the same time I am so nervous! The thought of going through labor and giving birth to our little girl is both exciting and frightening all in one. That, and as much as it has been rough in many cases, and I definitely would not want to be pregnant forever, I love carrying this baby. I love her baby kicks and movements. I love how my husband's face lights up when she moves, and how he laughs quietly when we are just sitting on the couch and he feels her. I love that no matter who rubs my tummy, she won't move, unless it is Lance. Already she is her daddy's little girl. She loves his voice, and follows his hand all over my tummy.
     My feet are huge. Even the doctors react a little funny when they see my swollen feet. I drink lots of water, lay on my left side, but also make sure I'm not a total couch potato, yet my feet are always swollen. I put my shoes on in the morning, and by the evening you can tell exactly what pair of shoes I was wearing when I take them off. 
     I seem to getting tired a lot, and I am learning that hormones are a very real thing. I have been lucky enough to realize when my emotions are as extreme as they can be because of hormones, and so it is easy to walk away, or apologize to my sweet husband even as those stinkin' pregnancy tears fall. I have been very lucky to have such a sweet and caring husband throughout this pregnancy.
     The doctor's continue to tell us that the baby is growing and healthy, and that momma (myself) is healthy, and gaining just the right amount of weight. As much as I don't like the whole weight gain thing, it's good to know I am doing so at the right pace. 
     We attended a birthing class a couple nights ago, which was actually pretty cool. It was good to be able to ask questions without worrying about them being too gross. It's nice to know a little more of what to expect, too. Online articles only go so far. We toured the maternity portion of the hospital, and practiced different exercises and positions to help mom through labor. Fingers crossed something works. 
     The nursery is finally all coming together, and we are just gathering the last few needed things before baby. We are working to get the hospital bag packed as well as possible, and in the car because we don't know where we will be, or what we will be doing when she decided to make her appearance. Still, no matter how much we prepare, I don't think I will ever feel fully prepared, but I am excited all the same. 


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