Everly's One Week Photos

     Welcome to parenthood... getting behind on blog posts... I can't believe our sweet little Everly is already three weeks old! She is growing so quickly; it's crazy!
     I enjoyed taking a minute to take these photos on her one week birthday. I just laid out one of her cute blankets, put her in my favorite outfit of hers, and took some pictures with my phone. 
     Looking at her cute little face, and watching as she wiggles and plays on her fuzzy blanket, I am amazed at how much love I have for this sweet little girl already. Being a part of an amazing family, and being married to most amazing man I have ever met, I know what it feels like to love someone, and love them with the entirety of my being, but being a new mom brings on a whole new level of love, and it comes fast. A little secret to anyone reading: I bawled like a baby the first time I saw her.
     Anyways, on to the one week photos! Because of course we have to take pictures of everything! She will only be small for so long... 


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