Baby's First Pumpkin Carving

     Not only was this Baby's first pumpkin carving, but it was also a first for Lance and I as a couple. Almost three years of marriage, and we had yet to carve pumpkins together...
     This year being the first, we couldn't help but spoil our little one a bit. She got two pumpkins this year, one from her Grandpa Ryan, and one from a her daddy when they went on their first of many Daddy-Daughter dates.

     Lance was the only one to finish his pumpkin. Baby, of course, can't quite carve yet, and Mom had to take a break to feed her. I brought mine in the house to work on it later in the week, but being in the warm house it was molding as I was carving it... gross... it is now in the garbage... still, I had fun spending time with my family.

     I love being a mom so much. It's not always the easiest thing in the world, but I love every bit of it. At least for me, it seems that everything I do is made that much more fun by having my little girl with me. I love watching her learn and explore, and the curiosity over every tiny thing. This whole world is so new to her, and I am lucky enough to be the one to share it with her.


(Google clips taking a picture of us taking a picture... lol).


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