Baby's Second Month (Extra Photos Included)

     This is the look of, "I can't believe I'm two months old already, either!" At just over ten pounds, our baby girl is getting big; we are so proud of her!

     In this photo she is wearing her Montana onesie, and I picked it for a reason. My mom, who lives in Montana, got this onesie for her, and also because Lance and I met there. Lance served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Montana, and it is also the place where my family was sealed in the temple for all time and eternity. While I would definitely rather live in Idaho, Montana will always be a special place to this family.

     My dad and my grandma from Idaho came to visit us this past month. I am so glad they came; we had a blast. I have to say, it's kind of weird calling my parents Grandma and Grandpa... I see them as my parents, so it's just different. Even so, it was good to see them again, and let's be honest... I am always up for the chance to show off our cute girl to the family!

     As is the pattern with my Grandma, we had to go do something fun while they were here. It was quite the weekend for Baby, but she did great. We went to dinner, found a beautiful picture of the temple for the wall above the couch, and had fun making yummy smelling soaps. Never a dull moment, and Baby was a trooper through every bit of it.

     We started to get some real smiles this month. She smiles and coos the most for her dad, which I'm not going to lie, makes me a bit jealous. I have this theory, though, why kids tend to get more excited for dad sometimes than mom. Mom stays home all day and makes kids eat, take naps, washes their faces, and other not so fun stuff, and Dad just comes home to play... Lol. I love my role as Mom though, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Plus, watching those two talk and smile at each other melts my heart, every single time.

     This baby also still loves her bath time. She cries just about every time I pull her out of the water. We've established somewhat of a bedtime routine now, which I'm hoping will help her continue to be a good sleeper. At eight o'clock we get ready for bed, and she goes to bed after however long it takes for us to be ready. Most nights we take a bath, whether it be a full bath or just time to play in the clean water for routines sake. After bath time, mom snuggles baby in a clean towel before putting on a clean diaper. Mom and dad then turn off the nursery lights, and turn on the hall light to keep the nursery dim, before putting on her baby lotion and singing, "I Am a Child of God" until her jammies are on. Mom feeds baby one last time before bed, and Dad snuggles her to sleep.

(Not in the nursery, but still cute nonetheless).
     Our routine works really well for us. I love that Baby and Daddy have their special time each night. I try to give Dad as much time as possible in the evenings after work, but even so, being the only one who can feed her most of the time, she still spends a good portion of the evening with Mom. I can't say I mind, as I love every second I get with this girl.

     My cousin Samantha came to see her this month, too. It was so sweet, Baby was so tired and yet wanted to look around and see everything! She'd snuggle up to Sam for a minute, and then pop up with eyes wide open, then snuggle up a minute, and pop right back up. This was also the day of my six week appointment. I was grateful to have Sam there to hold Baby during my appointment, and I'm sure Baby was, too. She's pretty good about spending time on her own on the floor, but she always adores when there's someone there to play with her.

     Baby is funny in that she loves a fuzzy blanket just as much as her mamma. She'd take a fuzzy blanket over any other blanket, any day. She especially loves mom's fuzzy blanket. Any time I have troubles getting her to lay down, I wrap her up in this blanket, and she is one happy little camper. My favorite is when her and I both get to snuggle under the blanket.

     This is Baby relieved to see her Daddy home from a business trip to California. Little did she know he had to go again the next week, but she was just as happy to see him then, too. She definitely knows her Daddy's voice. We got on a video call while he was away, and she was all smiles the whole time.
     This one is for her Grandad, because he got her this cute towel. Reminds me of growing up when we liked to watch the movie, The Last Unicorn. I have a feeling those two will be watching it together sometime, too, when she's old enough to sit through a whole movie.
     Poppy came to meet Baby this month. We gave our girl a name and a blessing, and asked that Grandpa Dan (Poppy) stand in the circle. He gave every one of us kids our baby blessings, and so I felt it to be very important to have him stand in the circle as Lance gave Baby her blessing. It was cute to watch as at the end of the day she snuggled right in and fell asleep in her Poppy's arms. I will post more about her blessing in a separate post.

     Baby girl has always been great at holding her head up since day one. She came out of the womb able to look right at me, well enough that even the nurses were a bit surprised. She may not like it very much, but she sure is still a cutie every time we have tummy time. She rolled over on her own for the first time (on purpose anyways) for the first time on her two month birthday.

     This one is just to show off her gorgeous eyes. Some days I just can't seem to stop staring. It doesn't help that her eye lashes are getting so long! Oh how I love this girl!

     Somebody did not enjoy her two month appointment, and we don't blame her. She was such a good sport though. She was all smiles until it came time for her shots, and then all smiles and coos again only a few seconds after. That night we went home and started massaging her little legs right away, and encouraging her to move a lot to prevent those large knots babies can get after their shots. It seemed to work well, because she never got noticeably more fussy, and her thighs never got super tender to the touch. Either we have an amazing baby (which either way is true), or massaging her legs and moving her around a lot ahead of time really helped.

     Just a couple days later, she reached two months old. I'm starting to realize that it's not so much that time goes by quickly, as much as it that we wish it would go by a whole lot slower... I feel like I have been a mom for a lot longer than two months, like Baby has just always been a part of our family. Even so, I would have zero complaints if the time would slow down a bit. That said, enjoy the rest of the photos!


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